When Your Furnace Acts More Like A Busted Steam Locomotive: What To Do Next

Most furnaces rarely make a sound. They rarely smell too, except when you first fire them up in the late fall. That is advantageous, because the minute your furnace starts behaving like a broken-down steam locomotive, you know you have problems. If your furnace behaves in any of the following fashions, you need to call a furnace repair service.  It Clanks Like the Clickety-Clack of Steam Engine Wheels A furnace should never sound like a train's wheels.

4 Tips To Make Yourself Drink More Water

Drinking water is excellent for your health. It's the best beverage to choose, since it's free of harmful additives. You don't need to worry about ingesting too much caffeine or sugar when you choose water as your primary beverage. The taste of water can take some getting used to if you're not used to it. Here are four ways you can encourage yourself to make the switch to drinking water: